Surfing the Panther

Surfing the Panther

by Linda Fairstein

short story in the FaceOff anthology
published 2015

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n this short story from the New York Times bestselling thriller anthology FaceOff, Linda Fairstein and Steve Martini—along with their popular series characters Alex Cooper and Paul Madriani—team up for the first time ever.

Paired together on a legal conference panel, Assistant Manhattan D.A. Alexandra Cooper and Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Paul Madriani butt heads over a hypothetical case. But Madriani—currently representing a defendant in the suspected murder of an L.A.-area madam—runs afoul of Coop within minutes over the issue of empathy for the victim, real or hypothetical.

Still, after the panel there are no hard feelings and the two colleagues plan to enjoy a drink at one of Coop’s favorite New York City watering holes—that is, until they are approached by an audience member claiming to know something about Madriani’s real-life case that will exonerate his client.

Cooper and Madriani’s meeting with the source will lead them into the thick of a global conspiracy that reaches to the highest echelons of power—and ultimately, justice will be done.

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