Murder in Spite

by Anne Cleeland
Book #8 in the Doyle and Acton series, published 2018
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This holiday trip to Dublin had been very hard on Doyle’s husband—although he was making a monumental effort to disguise this fact—and unless she very much missed her guess, it was all somehow connected to the grisly murder on the station-house steps. That, and an African cab-driver who wore a jaunty tam o’shanter.
Lord Acton, a ranking officer at Scotland Yard, tries to protect his wife from the knowledge of what’s going on behind the scenes. His wife, the young, fey Kathleen, a detective sergeant who often works with her husband, tries to protect him from his many misdeeds. Neither has an easy time of it, and it is usually Kathleen who figures out what is going on.
Maternity leave from her job as Detective Sergeant at Scotland Yard hasn’t dimmed her fey abilities one wit, and although Acton is a Chief Inspector with many resources at hand, Doyle always sees through his subterfuge.