The Craft of Good Writing: A Masterclass With SJ Watson and Lisa Jewell

s.j. watsonIf I were a book author, I would attend The Craft of Good Writing masterclass held at The Guardian premises in the UK early next year without a second thought.

Especially since one of my favorite mystery authors, S.J. Watson is giving the interview, along with Lisa Jewell, a popular chick lit fiction author.

S.J. Watson has only published two books so far, but boy his debut novel is one popular book.

It is the very same book which sparked the 2015 the same title adaption movie featuring Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth. A well worth read and a great movie to watch.

The Craft of Good Writing is a masterclass which features the following content:

  • SJ Watson, author of international bestseller Before I Go To Sleep, discusses narrative, plot and structure in an exclusive interview with Claire Armitstead
  • Bestselling author Lisa Jewell offers expert guidance on how to organise your writing day – from avoiding distractions to maintaining momentum and hitting your daily word count
  • Guardian books editor Claire Armitstead shares advice on style, voice and tone in fiction

There will be additional speakers which are yet to be mentioned.

The event is held on Sunday 17 January 2016, between 10am-4pm GMT time, on the Guardian premises in London, and while it is not a free course, it is really not expensive at £99 considering that it inclues the  VAT, booking fee, lunch and refreshments. There are only 100 places to be booked, so it’s well worth checking it out soon.

You can sign up here or check out the original notification post on The Guardian.

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