The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #3)

The Return of the Fallen Angels Book Club by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #3)

The Return Of The Fallen Angels Book Club, the third book in the Hollis Morgan mystery series by R. Franklin James finds Hollis as a successful probate attorney at a respected law firm in the Bay Area. Her climbing up the ladder was not easy. She started with being conned by her ex and spending time in…

The Fallen Angels Book Club by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #1)
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The Fallen Angels Book Club by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #1)

The Fallen Angels Book Club is the first book in the Hollis Morgan Mystery series by R. Franklin James. I have already read and reviewed the second book called Sticks & Stones recently, and the story got me interested enough in the series to want to get the first book as well to catch up…

Sticks & Stones by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #2)

Sticks & Stones by R. Franklin James (Hollis Morgan Mystery #2)

Sticks & Stones is the second book in the Hollis Morgan Mystery series by R. Franklin James. When I received the book from the author with a request to read and review her work, I didn’t know anything about it – or that it was part of a series. However once reading the book I…