Pendergast Books In Order – Complete List

When it comes to reading the Special Agent Pendergast books in order, having read the whole Pendergast series so far, I suggest you read the Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child Pendergast series in order of publication, starting with Relic. The reason is that, while most of the stories can stand on their own, there is a continuity involving the characters (especially surrounding Aloysius Pendergast) that you don’t want to miss.

Here are the Pendergast books in order with the latest novels added regularly.

Latest Pendergast Books

Angel of Vengeance
Angel of Vengeance  (Pendergast #22), 2024

Pendergast Books in Publication Order

Aloysius Pendergast is an FBI Agent featured in the entire series

  1. Relic (Pendergast #1), 1995
  2. Reliquary (Pendergast #2), 1997
  3. The Cabinet of Curiosities (Pendergast #3), 2002
  4. Still Life with Crows (Pendergast #4), 2003
  5. Brimstone, (Pendergast #5, Diogenes #1) 2004
  6. Dance of Death (Pendergast #6, Diogenes #2), 2005
  7. The Book of the Dead (Pendergast #7, Diogenes #3), 2007
  8. The Wheel of Darkness (Pendergast #8), 2008
  9. Cemetery Dance (Pendergast #9), 2009
  10. Fever Dream (Pendergast #10), 2010
  11. Cold Vengeance (Pendergast #11), 2011
  12. Two Graves (Pendergast #12), 2012
  13. Extraction (Pendergast #12.5), 2012
  14. White Fire (Pendergast #13), 2013
  15. Blue Labyrinth (Pendergast #14), 2014
  16. Crimson Shore (Pendergast #15), 2015
  17. The Obsidian Chamber (Pendergast #16), 2016
  18. City of Endless Night (Pendergast #17), 2018
  19. Verses for the Dead (Pendergast #18), 2018
  20. Crooked River (Pendergast #19), 2020
  21. Bloodless (Pendergast #20), 2021
  22. The Cabinet of Dr. Leng (Pendergast #21), 2023
  23. Angel of Vengeance (Pendergast #22), 2024

The first three in the book series, Relic, Reliquary, and Cabinet of Curiosities are part of the New York City book series because they all take place in New York City (around the New York Museum of Natural History) and the characters are also present in each, including one of my favorite earlier characters, William Smithback.

In addition, there are two trilogies as part of the series. Fever Dream, Cold Vengeance, and Two Graves are part of the Helen trilogy, while Brimstone, Dance of Death, and The Book of the Dead are part of the Diogenes trilogy.

Other Pendergast Novels by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Should We Read the Pendergast Novels in Order?

FBI Agent Pendergast is a special agent who can easily pick and choose his tasks and can travel wherever he wants whenever he wants. A highly intelligent individual who is gifted in many fields has been often called the spiritual successor to Sherlock Holmes.

In the first few techno-thriller books of the Special Agent Pendergast series by the authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, I felt that the authors wanted to make the novels standalone to allow us to read them separately from the rest. However, as various new characters got added in each new book – most of which would feature in subsequent novels as well, it became quite difficult not to want to read the next book in the series to see what happened with x, y or z character next.

For example, once Constance Greene is thrown in the mix, you will want to know about her (very odd) history, age, relationship with the two brothers (Aloysius Pendergast and his brother Diogenes), and what she is doing there anyway. In the later Pendergast stories, Constance’s character will be really fleshed-out and well-defined.

The more books you read in the Pendergast series where Constance is included or just mentioned, the easier it will become to learn more about this very interesting and exquisite person and the easier it becomes to feel attached to her and feel compassion for her. She really grew on me over the years. Thankfully Crimson Shore, the 15th Pendergast novel, is all about Constance. And our favorite FBI special agent. And did I mention…her? Yay!

Diogenes, his brother, is another of those characters that as evil as he might be, he is nevertheless a very interesting participant in the whole family story. And let’s not forget about Helen, who appears in some later novels, and her story continues from there on, even long after she…but I won’t spoil it for you more.

In the Pendergast series, it’s not only about the characters’ backgrounds but also the relationship that develops and grows over time, where seemingly unrelated small events in the lives of some characters will produce major ripples over time in the lives of others.

Each book reveals a bit more about Aloysius, Constance Greene, Diogenes, Margo Green, and even his wife, Helen, about the secretive Dr. Leng, as well as about the various serial killer individuals involved at various times. While some of the main protagonists might appear in a few books only, they are always there, in the background, with the author revealing bits and pieces about them, allowing us to put a larger puzzle together.

So yes, reading the Pendergast books in order is something I’m glad I did right from the first book I read many years ago, called Relic. The book got me hooked on the entire series, making it one of the most anticipated mystery series every year.

So, all in all, I highly recommend you read the Pendergast series in order from the very first one, Relic, and go through the list as shown above. You will be privy to some information and clues that those who read the books out of order will likely miss, along with a lot of back-stories that make this world as rich and interesting as it is.

Each book in the Pendergast series flows seamlessly into the next without any interruption and if you read them out of order you might feel the whole story disjointed and let’s face it, much less fascinating.

One of my favorite books in the series is City of Endless Night, available from early 2018. For those who want to start reading this wonderful and addictive thriller series, above is the order of each book to get you started. The numbering after the book titles denotes the order of the novels.

The book starts with the search for Grace Ozmian, the missing daughter of a billionaire who owns DigiFlood in the tech sector. Initially, it is supposed that she took off the way she often does, but things go from bad to much worse when a decapitated body is found.

Out beloved Vincent D’Agosta takes the case, and when Aloysius wants to help, police lieutenant D’Agosta is more than happy with the additional support, especially since diabolical forces are at work here, and probably regular police work will not suffice in solving this case.

This book goes back to the traditional style of the author duo, which I enjoy so much. However, there are not many recurring characters in this book except for Aloysius and Vincent. Constance and Vincent’s wife only appear briefly.

The latest book, The Cabinet of Dr. Leng, goes back to yet another enigmatic character in the series. It is followed by Angel of Vengeance, released in 2024.


  1. Pendergast is the quintessential Southern gentleman; a true Renaissance with the manners and erudition of an earlier era but the modern skills and savvy of the modern man. What makes it so fascinating is he intertwines both aspects of his personality, not dropping one in favor of the other. I’m on my second reading of the series.

  2. i love the lincoln and child i like the pendergast series besy i like the chalange of their books as i love working out what the end will be and it is great if i am wrong plus the beauty of the read always make it as if you are walking the streets and travelling with them
    i write poetry and the best thing i like is when you feel the emotion in the righter

  3. Love these novels! Interesting and exciting. The characters are so real, I find myself thinking about them often. Can’t wait for more! Thank you!

  4. I would like to know what happened to Pendergasts wife helen as their sons suddenly appeared

  5. I would just like to thank the authors. Your work is loved by many. I am absolutely delighted every time I get a new book written by the both of you.

    I hope one day to see The Cabinet of curiosities made into a movie.

    Thank you again for giving me hours of enjoyment.

  6. Merely as a change of pace from non-fiction I started reading Cabinet of Curiosities. The historical research is great

    and dovetails with non-fiction history I usually read. Yeah, I`m hooked too.


    1. Hi Jay: I am so hooked on these books it is not even funny. I’ve read all 14 of them and can’t wait until the next one comes out the end of the year. No. 15.

  7. I think I read my first book when I was 12 or so. Can’t remember which one it was but the name “Pendergast” stuck with and I vowed one day to read it again (I didn’t know it was in series!). Now I’m 27 and I just decided to google the name and guess what?! I found y’all.

  8. Great series so far. I’ve learned on very important life lesson though…….avoid working at or attending near closing hours, the Museum of Natural History. lol

  9. While I have just recently discovered the Preston/Child “Pendergast” series, I regret to say that I did not have the good fortune…to begin at the beginning! However I enjoy reading reading these engrossing mystery novels immensely! My introduction began with “Brimstone”, and I have just completed ” Cold Vengeance”. Question: what happened to the character Corrinne Swanson? We were left hanging – after she gained entrance to the house at 428 East End Ave., ending up in the attic – where she is met by the man with ‘the strongly accented voice’ wielding a gun. “Auf Wiedersehen”, he said. End of chpt. 80. ???

    1. Cold vengeance is the book n*2 of the trilogy starting by fever dream and ending by two graves. So you absolutely need to read them in order to understand what is going on. But as you have read brimstone you started the diogenes trilogy which you have to read as well. The cabinet of curiosities is a key book in the list so no choice buy them all and enjoy them in the proper order! I did the same mistake by ignorance when i discovered those authors… Now i m totally addicted…

  10. Read all of them except the last two. Best read ever. Also check out the Gideon novels.

    1. Just ordered a Gideon novel. Need to find a list so I can read the first one first though!

  11. Please, both of you, never die or, at least, not before I do! Keep those A.P. novels coming! I am a devoted fan as is my daughter! Thanks ever so much for many, many hours of fine reading as we’ve read all of your novels!

  12. I have only read Cemetery Dance, but I did read Tyrannosaur Canyon by Preston first, which led me to books written by both authors. I can’t wait to read all the books in the Pendergast series if they are of the same caliber.

    1. Oh yes, and I think you will find that the Pendergast series is one of the best ones around, and they’re much better than the books written separately by each author.

    2. It is funny you should mention Tyrannosaur Canyon as the first Preston book you read because I had the same experience. I cannot remember which of the Pendergast novels I read first following Tyrannosaur Canyon but I have since read them all. Sadly I did not think to read them in order so the first five I read were whatever the local library had in stock. As I just finished Blue Labyrinth I plan on rereading the series but this time in order as I have since purchased them all in digital format. Thank you Mystery Sequel for posting the list with reasons why they should be read in order. I hope others do the research before getting too out of sequence in the series. These books truly keep me on the edge of my seat and wanting more.

      On a different note, are there any other series out there by different authors that come anywhere close to what Preston and Child provide?

      1. I don’t believe that the series are on par with the Pendergast novels, but they are entertaining.

        James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels are decent. The films “Along Came a Spider” and “Kiss The Girls” were based on two of his novels (same name), both with the same antagonist (character called Casanova) and hero figure (Alex Cross played by Morgan Freeman) . . . The movies were nearly parallel to the books. Still entertaining in spite of the minor deviations.

        Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt series are also quite engaging. The film “Sahara” was based on his book (also of the same name). Book was WAY better!! He has several books that are MUCH better than “Sahara” that would have made FAR more entertaining movies. . . But c’est la vie . . .

        I hope you enjoy these suggestions. I know I do. ☺

      2. I’ve enjoyed the historic fictional series featuring a character named Matthew Corbett written by Robert McCammon. Waiting on the 6th book in the series to come out in 2016. It takes place in the mid 1700’s in early New York City and at first the Carolinas. Matthew is a young man who was an orphan, raised in a boys work house who became well educated then was selected to be the ward and scribe for a magistrate when he is 17. He travels with the magistrate like a servant. Naturally curious he has a knack for investigation. It’s packed with adventure and mystery. It’s written so well you feel you are in it. Without spoiling it, in future books he becomes a private detective always on the search for a particular villian who in turn is hunting him. A must read series if you like the characters and twist turns of then Pendergast series!

  13. I’m a huge fan of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, and agree that their Pendergast series is one of the greatest ever in the history of thriller novels. They involve a cadre of complex characters. I tried to explain to a friend recently this great series of books featuring an albino FBI agent, his 100+ year old ward who appears to be in her early 20s, a goth teen turned sleuth….and you guessed it, she thought I was crazy. The amazing thing about this duo is that the novels continue to evolve, where most long running characters either fade over time, or repeat themselves. WELL DONE!

  14. I picked up Wheel of Darkness at a used book store, never had read any of Preston and Child books before – LOVED it talked to my mom about it and she said her and dad had read ALL the Pendergast books and they were all very good. I had her pick them up at the used book stores that her and my dad frequent. I now buy them new when they are released as I have read them all. It was so wonderful to find such great intelligent writers, they have created a really GREAT series with Pendergast, I just love him. They always keep me guessing and I love that you can’t figure out what is going to happen next, that is the BEST. It was nice to find such exhilarating books after reading The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo Series – I thought I would never find anything as good. I have gotten a few people here at work hooked on the series, it is fun to hear their excitement as they are reading the books for the first time, makes me laugh as I remember going through the same emotions. Great website ;o)

  15. Best stand alone book in the series…. “Still Life With Crows”. I have hooked four others on the series by loaning them my dog eared copy…. It sits between the “NY series” and what I call the “Family ties saga”. The best thing…. we meet Corrie!

    1. I think I’ve read all the Pendergast novels, up to White Fire, which I’m currently reading. Except Extraction.
      I just finished Two Graves, and was wondering when Corrie Swanson first appeared. From your post, I guess it was Still Life With Crows. I think I remember the gist of it — cave, etc. But I don’t remember Corrie.

  16. I just finished Blue Labyrinth. As usual it was an exciting thriller. My only problem with it was it ended and I wanted it to go on and on etc. Is there another sequel next Nov?

    1. I really hope there is a sequel next year – afterall Blue Labyrinth just went back on the series’ original course after many books that were just meh. I loved it, almost as much as the Relic and Reliquary.

  17. I read one of their novels out of order and upon looking up the rest of the series I read the rest. These novels certainly quench my thirst for mystery, the supernatural, and great character development. Thanks to the authors.

  18. Hi all,
    I just want to say that as a voracious reader of mysteries and historical fiction, I have set my own reader’s bar pretty high, but Preston and Child are so addictive that I grab any books of theirs as soon as they are available. If you have read any reviews that describe their Pendergast novels as strange, over-the-top and suspenseful and thought they were just exaggerating, I want you to know they are not! I am an addict and proud to be! When the movies finally come out I want Benedict Cumberbatch (of Sherlock fame) to be our hero.
    Thanks to Preston and Child for a hell of a good read! Each and every one!

    1. Hey Brenda,

      From one Pendergast addict to another – I fully agree with your sentiments. I feel about their books exactly the same way!

      1. These books are some of the best; just finished Blue Labyrinth and I could not put it down!! I can hardly wait for the next one to come out. THANK YOU, S. Unternahrer

      2. Just read “Crimson Shore”. It is an understatement that they left us hanging! Surely they will put out at least one more. Please. Also, Constance is hard for me to understand even after all these books!

  19. I read a Pendergast novel earlier before I started keeping a list.
    I don’t recall any of the titles listed. Are there earlier or later titles that are not listed?
    These 2 authors are fast becoming a favorite.. They have made it to the shortlist after 2 books! Wheeee!

    1. These are all the Pendergast books so far. The authors have written separately books of their own as well, but these are their common works only – the Pendergast series.

      1. Any chance of a new Pendergast book. Have read them all love the character.

        1. In a few months we’ll get Blue Labyrinth, will update the list shortly.

        2. Is there any chance Pendergast Books will be. Movies your Novels are better than TV’s Zoo!

    2. Preston & Child have collaborated on other novels besides the Pendergast Series.
      Those works include Mount Dragon, Riptide, Thunderhead (while not a Pendergast novel, it does provide background for two Pendergast characters and is a good read itself), and The Ice Limit.
      Then there is the Gideon Series, which includes: Gideon’s Sword, Gideon’s Corpse, The Lost Island, (you will really want to read The Ice Limit before reading it’s sequel) Beyond The Ice Limit.

      Perhaps one of these novels will ring a bell with you. Every one is well worth the monetary and time investment.

      1. Yes they have, and a click through the links on their names will take you to their respective pages where the rest of the books (written in collaboration or alone) have been listed.

  20. I have read several of these books. They can be read alone but it is best to read these in order since I missed some of the plot from not having read the background novels.

  21. How fun to have a really good solid book series to delve into. I shared on FB and Twitter! Maybe will find some other fans out there!

  22. I’ve never read this author – the collection sounds riveting! I also appreciate the recommendation of reading the books in order.

    1. The series is a must to read. Once you have read one, then you will want to read them all. I loved them and my husband loved them also. Enjoy.

    2. You haven’t lived til you have read this series. It will grab you and hold you and you will not want to let go through each book. When you get to the end, you can only pray that Pendergast is moving into a new adventure which will hit on paper in a book as quickly as is possible. It’s like a drug.

      1. I read Relic and Cabinet, and may have read Reliquary, LONG ago, and surely out of order, and somehow did not realize they were part of a series centered on the Holmesian FBI Agent Pendergast.

        So, finding the serendipitous circumstance of an Xmas B&N gift card and the more recent “Blue Labyrinth” on sale, I find I’ve missed out on something that would seem to be right up my alley! (exceptional sleuths and heroes, as I imagined I myself just might become, appealed from early adolescence-Holmes, Doc Savage, even Jack Vance’s fantastic Kirth Gersen (check the Demon Princes series), etc)

        Now I can’t just read BL without catching up on the history of Agent Pendergast, but wonder if I recall the first three well enough to skip them. I may just start with “Crows” and hope there’s enough revisiting and background to get me up to speed. ?? Maybe?

      2. Mrs. Sher you could not have said it better. I feel like i need to ask them to dinner but fear ill have the wrong wine. Haha. I cant get enough.


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