
Just Launched: Mystery Sequels Fanpage On Facebook

I’m quite excited as I’ve just launched today Mystery Sequels on Facebook. I’m filling up the page with information, posts, reviews and once I get it really going, will add competitions, giveaways and gifts linked to the site.

Mystery Sequels on Facebook
So what does this mean to you? If you like to use Facebook as your favorite social hanging out place, you can now check the latest posts on Facebook right away. If there is something of special interest that you think your friends will like, you can also share it, spread the word about it. The more people like Mystery Sequels, the better it will become. Help spread the word about it!

Mystery Sequels is also on Twitter, and you can find it here. Do you have a Twitter account? If you do, make sure to follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss out on any new posts and interesting tidbits that tweet or retweet about.

Finally if you are a blogger, it’s easy to find and follow Mystery Sequels on Bloglovin. If you follow the blog, I will follow yours as well. I love seeing what other book bloggers and reviewers are up to every day.

The blog is not yet on LinkedIn as I find the platform way too ‘business like’ and less for fun and entertainment, at least for now. Every time I visit LinkedIn, I remember the old times of working at a major corporate organization, and I quickly close the browser tab.

So what other social media places do you recommend the site to join and where are you more active?

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