The Scandal

The Scandal

by John Grisham

Book #6 in the Theodore Boone series, published 2016

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In this newest installment in the bestselling series, Theo Boone, the ever-clever lawyer-in-training is back, still dispensing legal advice to friends and strangers alike when an exciting, all-new case pops up.

Theodore Boone, courtroom hero and the only kid lawyer in town, is facing a tough week at school with his exams.

But things take a turn for the worse when a huge scandal is revealed – by none other than his best friend, April. And when April makes a decision that Theodore advises against, the scandal suddenly blows up and is all over the news.

Their futures are on the line and April’s running scared. Can Theodore find a way to reverse the damage and save several lives from ruin?

Thirteen-year-old Theodore Boone knows every judge, police officer, and court clerk in Strattenburg. He has even helped bring a fugitive to justice. But even a future star lawyer like Theo has to deal with statewide standardized testing.
When an anonymous tip leads the school board to investigate a suspicious increase in scores at another local middle school, Theo finds himself thrust in the middle of a cheating scandal. With insider knowledge and his future on the line, Theo must follow his keen instincts to do what s right in the newest case for clever kid lawyer Theo Boone.

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