Jane Harper Books in Order – The Complete List of Novels

New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller author Jane Harper has written her popular Aaron Falk series and two standalone novels., so the Jane Harper books in order, are included at this time with a very short list. New books are added as soon as the latest Jane Harper books are published. Here is the full list of the Jane Harper books in order.

Latest Jane Harper Books

Exiles (Aaron Falk #3), 2023

Aaron Falk Series in Order of Publication

  1. The Dry (Aaron Falk #1), 2017 (published in 2016 in Australia)
  2. Force of Nature (Aaron Falk #2), 2018 (published in 2017 in Australia)
  3. Exiles (Aaron Falk #3), 2023 (published in Australia in 2022)

Standalone Jane Harper Books

Jane Harper authorJane Harper Biography – About the Author

British author Jane Harper was born in Manchester, in the UK. At the age of 8, she moved with her family to Australia. She spent the following six years in Boronia, Victoria, when she also got her Australian citizenship.

After some years, as a teenager of age 14, she returned to the UK with her family where she lived in Hampshire for the next several years and finished high school. Next, she enrolled at the University of Kent in Canterbury, where she studied English and History.

After graduating from uni, she started working as a print journalist, a job that she held for 13 years. Her first job as a reporter was in County Durhan in Yorkshire as an apprentice. Next, she became the Hull Daily Mail’s senior news journalist where she remained until 2008 when she moved again to Australia to live the next three years in a small community called Geelong. She worked for the  Geelong Advertiser until 2011, when she started working with the Herald Sun in Melbourne. The author mentioned in an interview that she thinks of Geelong as her “spiritual home.”

In late 2014, Jane decided to try her hands at writing books, so she applied for the Curtis Brown Creative 12-week online novel writing course. During the application process, she submitted a synopsis and a 3000-word part of a novel, with the theme of a murder mystery.

The extract was set in Victoria in Australia, and during the 12 weeks of the online writing course, she managed to finish a first draft of what would become her debut novel, The Dry, which would end up being the first in her Aaron Falk series.

Since she already had the unpublished manuscript, she fixed it up a bit and got it ready to be published, and then Jane decided to enter the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an Unpublished Manuscript in 2015 in April, which earned her $15,000. The next month, in May, she has learned that she won the award.

She got the award and found agent representation through Curtis Brown Australia, which managed to sell her unpublished novel through auction to Pan Macmillan the very same year through a fierce bidding war. The Aaron Falk series deal was for 3 books, so the author had to start writing another two novels on top of The Dry. She also got the Australian Indie Awards Book of the Year, the CWA Gold Dagger for Best Crime Novel, the British Book Awards Crime and Thriller Book of the Year, the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year, and the Australian Indie Awards Book of the Year.

Jane Harper’s first book, The Dry, and two follow-up books have been sold in additional deals with Flatiron Books in the US and Little, Brown in the UK, not to mention that the books, each one a superb thriller, have been sold to be translated in several other countries into various languages.

Before finishing The Dry, the author worked in the UK and Australia as a newspaper reporter for around 13 years, so writing many pages a day was really not something new to her. She could easily find the motivation and discipline to write for deadlines at a fast pace.

Jane Harper’s books include the Aaron Falk series and two standalone novels. The Aaron Falk series includes three novels, with the latest published in 2023. The Dry was adapted into a movie starring Eric Bana as Aaron Falk and was finally released in 2021. Her latest standalone novel is The Survivors, released in 2021.

The author currently lives in Australia, and she is married and has a daughter. While she was born in the UK, she considers herself more Australian both in life and as a writer. Currently, Jane is working full time on her novels, after having quit her day job as a journalist. She is, indeed, living her dream.

Jane Harper Awards Wins and Nominations

  • The Dry:
    • Dagger Awards Best Book winner in 2017
    • Anthony Awards Best nominee in 2018
    • Barry Awards Best First Novel winner in 2018
    • Macavity Awards Best First Novel nominee in 2018
  • The Lost Man:
    • Ned Kelly Award Best Novel in 2019
    • International Thriller Writers Awards Best Paperback Original in 2019
    • Davitt Award Readers’ Choice Award in 2019
    • Martin Beck Award in 2019
    • Barry Awards Best Mystery/Crime Novel in 2020


  1. Absolutely love reading Jane Harper books. I have read them all. With the exception of exiles. I will be looking forward to reading that one on holidays.

  2. Halfway through Exiles – as great as The Dry.

    Every time I read Aaron or Falk (yes it is him again) I see Eric Bana’s face so I do hope this Exiles will become a movie with EB in it.

    For me The Dry novel & movie were both 10/10
    Force of Nature 8/10
    The Lost Man 10/10
    and un less it droops towards the end Exiles will also be a 10/10

  3. After reading “THE DRY” I am in love with Jane Harper’s writing skills!!! I have just ordered all her other books! She is such an outstanding writer!!!

  4. Just finished all 4 books one after the other. I lived in Australia for 2 years and travelled extensively, so have loved the authenticity of these books. Her character-building is superb and they are all page turners, unfolding in a steady, realistic pace. Can’t wait for the next one.

  5. Was looking forward to a 3rd Aaron Falk. Disappointed he is not in The Lost Man!

  6. No F.B.I. In Australia, he is in the Federal Police.
    But thanks for the great reviews

  7. Just finished The Survivors and have read all her other books. Please tell me another one is coming soon!!

  8. When is the next Jane Harper due to be released. Read her earlier books and looking forward to the next.

  9. Just started reading the Dry. Immediately captivated by Jane Harper’s writing and her honest portrayal of rural Australia, a country that I have visited and lived in over the years. Absolutely love this book…please keep on writing!!!

  10. I have read all three of Jane Harper’s books – all absolutely excellent!!.
    Does she have plans for a fourth book, if so, when is the likely release date?

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