Author Guest Post: Combining James Bond and Indiana Jones Results in Codename Chimera 68 by Jake & Kate Persy

Today’s author guest post comes from Jake & Kate Persy, authors of the action mystery Codename Chimera 68.

The main hero of our debut novel Codename Chimera 68 is private detective Kevin Kris. He is a master of kung fu and loves adventures, luxury cars, and brain twisters. So, let’s have fun and try to solve the next brain twisters.

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The case of the dead woman

One evening Kevin Kris was walking in Central Park and saw a lifeless body. It was a woman in a beautiful red dress. A private detective examined her bag. There were documents, a credit card with scratches, an empty pack of cigarettes, sleeping pills, and a capsule with an unknown substance, as well as a phone.

Kevin Kris found her husband’s number in the phone book, called him, and said – “Your wife is dead, come here urgently.”

Soon the husband arrived, saw his wife’s corpse, and exclaimed – “Oh my God! What happened here?”

Then the police arrived. Kevin Kris turned to the policeman – “Arrest this woman’s husband. He’s the prime suspect!”

Question: why did Kevin Kris think so?

The case of the geography teacher

This summer one geography teacher visited Los Angeles and prepared an interesting presentation for his students. However, his body was found in one of the outbuildings on the first day of the school year. The police had 4 suspects: a gardener, a math teacher, a physical education teacher, and a school principal. They all told where they have been at the time of the murder.

  • The gardener was trimming a bush in the backyard
  • The math teacher was checking the final six-month test of his students
  • The physical education teacher was preparing sports equipment for classes
  • The school principal was in his office the whole day

Luckily, private detective Kevin Kris was with the police. He immediately advised the police officers to arrest the math teacher. Why?

The case of the frozen window

One cold winter day, John found his friend Jack dead in the living room of his own house. John immediately called the police and, when asked by the policeman about how he found the body, he replied that he was walking by and decided to visit Jack.

According to John, he knocked and rang the doorbell for a long time, but his friend did not open it, although through the frozen window it was clear that the light was on in the house. Then John breathed on the frozen windowpane to melt the ice. When he looked into the room, he saw that Jack was lying on the floor.

Luckily, private detective Kevin Kris was with the police. He immediately advised the policemen to arrest John. Why?


So, how do you feel about these brain twisters? Did you spend a lot of time-solving them? Please leave your comments. You can get the answers on the authors’ website.

Read Codename Chimera 68 and join a breathtaking investigation right now

Codename Chimera 68 is a fast-paced cozy mystery with elements of conspiracy/espionage. Our readers say, if you combined James Bond and Indiana Jones, you would get this book.

We think this book is for you, if:

  • you want to lie back and read something entertaining
  • you want to try something a little bit crazy
  • you are looking for something easy and quick to read

Start a mind-blowing journey and discover a BIG REVEAL! Visit our website to order your copy. Also, stay in touch on Goodreads.

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