10 Free Kindle Mysteries For Today

I don’t do these free Kindle mystery posts very often, but now and again I’m looking for something new to read, something that doesn’t cost me (god knows I’m buying too many books as it is, and not even all end up on the review block), to save a bit of money and to learn about a new author, or about a new book that I might have not even considered otherwise.

free kindle mysteries

So this morning I took a stroll down Amazon Avenue and this is what I found. I only listed here the books that I downloaded as well, which I really think are worth checking out. There are many more free books to download, but these were the books that grabbed my attention right from the start.

all saints secrets

All Saints’ Secrets by Nicole Loughan is the second book in the Saints Mystery Series and right now it’s free. Even if you don’t intend to read it now, you might want to pick it up for the price. Afterall Kindle can hold thousands of books at a time. I’ve actually heard of the first novel, a friend was reading it when it was published a few months ago and she liked it, so somehow the author’s name stuck with me. Without having actually read it, I can recommend it from word of mouth.

a shadow of the flames

A Shadow in the Flames by Michael G. Munz is a book I actually had on my ‘want to read list’ due to the genre mix. I love books that transcend one single genre and I’ve already reviewed a few of these on my blog, latest being The Tenth Saint by D.J. Niko. A Shadow in the Flames promises to be a mix of sci-fi, mystery and thriller which should really engage all senses. Since I saw today it’s free, I downloaded it right away. Btw currently the paperback edition retails at $14.95, so it’s definitely not one of those cheap books that you find and $2.99 even when full priced.


Cursed: A Jack Nightingale Short Story by Stephen Leather is a short story of around 100 pages which I only noticed because it has the name of the author on it. Now I love the writings of Stephen Leather, I’ve read so many books by him that I automatically click on the Buy button every time I see something new by him. I’ve read his Dan Shepherd mystery series and his Jack Nightingale books, and this little appetizer is actually part of the Jack Nightingale series. Interestingly enough I haven’t read this yet, so I’ve picked it up now.

the consequential element

The Consequential Element by Dee Ann Waite piqued my interest because of the title cover to be honest (yeah yeah don’t judge a book by its cover, I know, and I’m always guilty of it). I immediately went off to Goodreads to check reviews, and as I saw that the rating is actually 4.5, I figured I can’t lose anything by getting it. It’s not only free, but the story premise is great as well. It looks like a book is a mix of adventure, mystery and deep buried secrets as well, a blend that I greatly enjoy. The book was recently released, end of June this year and it seems to be the author’s first novel. The paperback retails at $11.15 at the moment.

casting shadows everywhere

Casting Shadows Everywhere by L.T. Vargus is a young adult mystery, a genre for the lovers of YA novels. I haven’t read many actual mysteries involving teens – if the books were labelled YA, they were usually either paranormal romances or dystopian fiction. It’s a new book as well, published this year, so I’ll give it a go. Both Amazon and Goodreads give it very high ratings and reviews, so I have high hopes for this one as well.

murder on the mind

Murder on The Mind by L.L. Bartlett is the first in the Jeff Resnick mystery series. I’m actually thrilled about getting this book because I’ve heard a lot about this series (currently it includes 5 books), but never got a chance to read them. Finally with the first book free, I know that once I start reading – if I will enjoy the series, I’ll get the next ones as well, free or not. The first books has a bit of paranormal in it (a person who can solve murders by seeing ‘visions’), so I’m pretty sure it’s a book I’ll enjoy reading.

shadow unit 1

Shadow Unit 1 by Emma Bull and several other authors is the first in the (so far 12 parts) series called Shadow Unit. It is an interesting series that caught my eyes because it involves the FBI and the paranormal in one book. Now who can resist such a temptation? From the reviews I’ve read I can imagine it being at some point a cool TV series. Btw this is one of the reasons I so love perusing the $0 section of the Kindle store at Amazon because I get to learn of new mystery series or standalone novels that might escape my attention otherwise. True, I do get some great recommendations on Goodreads based on what my friends are reading, but not some things still slip through unnoticed.

rainy nights
Rainy Nights: Three Novels by J.R. Rain in fact includes not one, but 3 novels in the omnibus pack. Beware, it’s a whoopin 500 pages book! (luckily it’s for Kindle, so it won’t be heavy on your lap). I downloaded this because it’s a set of paranormal mysteries, another genre that I simply adore. And having 3 books in the same genre that I can read right away, I really couldn’t resist. The first novel, Moon Dance is the first novel in the Vampire for Hire series, Dark Horse is the first in the Jim Knighthorse series and The Vampire With The Dragon Tattoo (yeah I know, clichee much?) is the first in the Spinoza series.

relative malice

Relative Malice by Marla Madison is a murder mystery novel that I’m eager to read. It has a creepy kind of cover (teddy bear surrounded by blood), which already tells a story, even before reading the book. I just hope the story rises to the challenge.

eyes of the predator

Finally, Eyes of the Predator: The Pickham County Murders by Glenn Trust is one of the lovers of gory mystery novels (what we call in the BookObsessed forum the ‘s*ck sh*t types). There are lots of graphic details in the book that the squeamish folk might not enjoy. It’s definitely not a cozy, and only pick it up if you don’t mind reading creepy books that get you in to the mind of a serial killer and leave you stuck there with possible nightmares at the end.

So there you have them, the 10 free Kindle mysteries for today that I personally handpicked based on my own preferences. I downloaded these books and will read them (boy my TBR shelf does get bigger and bigger every day). They might not be your own favorites, in which case you might want to peruse the free Kindle bookshelf at Amazon yourself for something else fun to read.

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  1. Thank you for the recommendation. I didn’t know what to read during half term. Well, now I do!

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